The movie, based on the book "Neon Angel: The Cherie Currie Story," is both a rock 'n roll coming of age story and an unvarnished look at what the titular all-girl proto-punk band went through during their brief brush with fame. Fanning is Currie while Kristen Stewart plays Joan Jett. And as you can see from the trailer, they command the stage like naturals.
"[It] was so nice," Stewart said, "because they were actually not just open to any actor who might be playing them. But we really liked each other. Like, instantly ... the four of us were pretty, you know ... there was just something really special and it was cool."
So what does Currie think of the movie? "The actors are amazing," she said during a post-screening Q&A session. "Every time I see it, I like it better."
The movie opens March 19.