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Friday, November 13, 2009

Kristen Interview

4TNZ has an interview with Kristen Stewart.
Read the entire interview here.
Here is an excerpt:
Q: Can you talk about the break-up scene with Edward and just how emotional it was to do that? I know a lot of young girls in the audience last night were crying.
Kristen: Oh, that’s good. That was the scariest thing I’ve ever… I was almost as worried about messing it up than I was about what I actually should have been thinking about which was the issues that Bella’s dealing with. Because reading it, it’s such an iconic, I mean that moment is, There’s nothing like it in reality even. Like, its not even like a normal break-up scene because I don’t, I know what it’s like to get broken up with but I don’t know what it’s like to get broken up with by a vampire who I’ve now been physically and chemically altered by… That was the most intimidating scene in the entire movie.

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