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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Michael Interview

J-14 has a short interview with Michael Welch as part of their New Moon Countdown.
Read the entire interview here.
Here is an excerpt:

J-14 exclusive interview with Michael Welch on Team Mike:

J-14: So if Jacob wasn’t a werewolf and Edward wasn’t a vampire, do you think Mike would have a better chance?
Mike: Yeah, I do — although ultimately, I don’t think a Mike-Bella relationship would have worked out particularly well because it’s one of those situations where one person is clearly more infatuated with the other person and it doesn’t quite go the other way around. Those situations don’t typically tend to work out, especially in high school. So I actually think Mike and Bella’s relationship is perfect the way it is, but it’s probably difficult for Mike to see that while he’s going after her.

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