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Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'-style Valentine's Day wishes

'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' - Summit Ent.
While Valentine's Day might not have made it into the story of Eclipse, on this day there is no doubt that thoughts of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will still weigh on the minds of the saga's fans . . . at least those common many who wait with bated breath for the first glimpse of the film in motion.
Of course, Twilight series Sweethearts, chocolates, and greeting cards are one way to tie-in the occasion . . .
Another way, perhaps, is to imagine what a Valentine's Day greeting from your favorite Eclipse characters might be like.
So, as a bit of fun, here are a few ideas of what some of our favorite Twilight series characters' Valentine's Day greetings might've been if the holiday had become a part of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
  • “Spaceheater here, offering you a lifetime of servitude.” Jacob
  • “I’ll fight for you forever, ma’am.” Jasper
  • “I got you a gift. Don’t worry, you’re going to love it! ” Alice
  • “Don’t be ridiculous. Valentine’s Day is an important human rite of passage.” Edward
  • “You can be my kidnapper today.” Bella
  • “I’ll get you a teddy bear . . . Wait, would you prefer stuffed or grizzly?” Emmett
  • “You can only have a Valentine if you choose wisely.” Rosalie
  • “Have a kiss. Doctor’s orders.” Carlisle
  • “Spending time with friends is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s, right?” Charlie
  • “Do whatever makes you the happiest.” Esme
Oh, and here's one you might hear from any of the wolfpack . . . "You really make a guy want to imprint."

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