'Twilight' - Summit Ent.
In the case of Twilight, no such video game (excepting the Twilight phone video game application and Scene It? Twilight for the Wii) has been made, and some sources believe that this has led to a loss in potential profit earnings for the franchise.
According to Computer and Video Games, one expert stated that those potential losses could equal up to millions.
"Given how hot a property it is, [a Twilight video game] could easily present a seven-figure exploitation opportunity, especially if publishers consider taking it beyond retail gaming and considers network gaming," Nick Gibson, an analyst in the field, stated.
Gibson opined that those involved with the process weren't "aware of the potential benefits" of such an endeavor, but I'm fairly certain that those involved in the franchise are completely aware of the possibility that a Twilight video game could fare well in the marketplace.
Other factors, instead, are probably driving the decision to hesitate on pushing forward with game development. Here are a few possibilities:
- Demographic issues
- Difficulties in Translation
- Potential to fail
- Lack of 'playable' events
Sure, we'd probably be pretty content being Bella and walking around Forks High School and the Cullen manor, but other than that, there aren't too many hands-on or action-oriented sequences in the story. Video game creation typically necessitates such activities.
On the other hand, other characters - especially later in the Saga - do become involved in fighting sequences and the like, so if the main character of the game was one of the Cullens (or interchangeable with other vampires and werewolves in the Saga), there may indeed be some source material to pull from. The problem with this scenario would be the fact that it'd involve an utter shift in perception for the entire Saga. For those that supported the creation of Midnight Sun, this might not be such an issue, but for others, the idea of stepping out of Bella Swan's head might not be so keen.
Still, there were many vehement doubters of Twilight manga, and look at how well Twilight: The Graphic Novel has done so far.
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