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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rob's "Remember Me" Diary!

Wanna know Robert Pattinson's every little thought?
The hilarious people over at TWOP.com "found" his diary from the set of Remember Me, where "Rob" dishes on stuff like his hair, his relationships and his acting philosophy.
It's all fake, but still totes juicy! A sample entry: "Emilie and I are getting pretty close. We went to a carnival, and she tried to tell me a little bit about her TV show, but it was kind of confusing. She kept talking about "Jacob," and I was like, 'Taylor Lautner's on your show?' Apparently it's a different Jacob, and all I know is, it's about an island. But I invited her to come hear my band play, and she seemed pretty psyched. Hope Kristen doesn't mind that I invited her, since that's how she and I started dating. It was different with Kristen, though. ...Right?"
Robsten going out? Even in a fantasy diary, we'll take it!
CLICK HERE to read the rest!

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