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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' to be directed by 'The Reader' director Stephen Daldry?

'Breaking Dawn' by Stephenie Meyer - Hatchette Books
Yesterday, the net was a-buzz after the L.A. Times broke the news that directors being considered for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn were not just three-fold.
Adding to the list of potentials of interest is, they report, Stephen Daldry, director of The Reader (which earned him one of several  Oscar nominations).
"[T]here are not yet indications Daldry would actually take the gig, but the fact that Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the films, has reached out to him suggests where its intentions lie for the fourth film."
The list previously announced by Entertainment Weekly included Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), Gus Van Sant (Milk), and Bill Condon (Dreamgirls).
In addition to The Reader, Daldry has directed The Hours and Billy Elliot.
The L.A. Times concludes, Breaking Dawn "will in all likelihood be shot in the fall. That gives Summit a little more time to comb through high-end directors."

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