'Twilight' - Summit Ent.
In a new interview (which you can listen to in full here), Godfrey talked about how he and Summit Entertainment came to be responsible for the development of these films . . . and how the budgets for these three films rank.
Godfrey also talked about his perception on the three film directors: Catherine Hardwicke, Chris Weitz, and David Slade.
"That's something we felt very strongly about . . . when you've got the same characters, same locations . . . you want a different visual style."
"For me at least, what Catherine was able to do with Twilight was capture that insular obsessive love. It was a very subjective movie, you really felt like you were with this girl . . . you know, the details of Edward's face, it was so inside the mind of a teenage girl. Very intimate," he said.
"With New Moon, you know, I feel like Edward's ripped away from her, and in a sense the coldness of Edward is replaced by the warmth of Jacob . . . so Chris was someone that I thought could . . . open up the movie a little bit more. . . . The movie visually needed to expand . . . We wanted a little bit more of an epic quality to New Moon," he continued about the second.
"David Slade, I think for me, what he's brought to Eclipse is the sense of danger and sort of the darkness that takes place as she has to evaluate what becoming a newborn vampire will be . . . as Bella decides ultimately what she's going to become, she comes face to face with Victoria and the newborns . . . I knew he'd be able to handle the film visually," Godfrey explained about the third.
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