'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' - Summit Ent.
Slade tweeted about the fact that he is in London, England today working on the Eclipse score with composer Howard Shore.
In London overseeing the film score with Mr Howard Shore and enjoying all the gossip flying around. Onwards to the Eclipse!!In case you missed the story, here's what happened in a nutshell.
A Vancouver-based gossip blogger reported that re-shoots were about to take place but that there was some controversy over who would direct the re-shoots. Then, Summit issued a statement to Gossip Cop saying that there were going to be re-shoots, that they are common and were planned all along, and that there was never any question of Slade finishing out the film on his own.
It seems that Slade has found this bit of back-and-forth a bit funny.
At any rate, it's good to hear where they're at with the score! As you've probably heard before, Howard Shore is an Oscar-winning composer who's worked on films like the Lord of the Rings trilogy and any number of recognizable titles. With Howard Shore, the score should be just beautiful.
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