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Monday, July 19, 2010

Christian Serratos Interview

The Huffington Post has an interview with Christian Serratos.
Check it all out here.
Here is an excerpt:
Q: Do you feel you learned anything from the more experienced actors on Twilight?
CS: Peter [Facinelli] who plays the dad, Dr. Carlisle — he’s pretty fatherly on set. But we all learn from each other.

Q: Do you crack each other up on the set?

CS: Yes. They’re not specifically planned, we just mess with each other in general. I’m usually picked on the most. I’m not kidding. I’m an easy target. They like to mess with me.

Q: What did you do to immerse yourself in the whole vampire universe?

CS: What was really cool about this particular project is that we didn’t have to. I mean, we did and we could, but we had the book.

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