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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Top 5 Extras we want from the Eclipse DVD and Blu-ray

FearNet has an article titled The Top 5 Extras We REALLY Want From the ‘Twilight: Eclipse’ Blu-ray..
Check out everything they list here.
Here is an excerpt:
The Gore We Were Promised, Kinda
Eclipse director David Slade, who made all sorts of delicious red stuff spill in the snow in his other vampire flick 30 Days of Night, kept things pretty PG-13 for the Twilight crowd. But back in June, he told us that at least one of his vampire battle decapitation shots was too hot for the MPAA’s sensibilities. (“We had this one part in the battle where Emmett just tears someone’s face off,” he said. “The face kind of breaks off into pieces of crystal that shatter.”)
Will we get to see extended, unused footage of Emmett ripping some vampire faces off on Blu-ray, even if they shatter bloodlessly like pieces of marble? Let’s hope.

Source: Twilight Lexicon
via FearNet

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