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Monday, October 18, 2010

Breaking Dawn Filming News: Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene Leaving For Louisiana!

Breaking Dawn Nikki Kellan Ashley 560x346 Breaking Dawn Filming News: Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene Leaving For Louisiana!  ashley greene
Nikki Reed (aka Rosalie Hale), Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) and Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) were all photographed arriving at LAX on their way to Louisiana to start rehearsing and filming for Breaking Dawn!
[Source: Socialite.

Breaking Dawn Nikki LAX1 560x396 Breaking Dawn Filming News: Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene Leaving For Louisiana!  ashley greeneBreaking Dawn Kellan LAX 560x882 Breaking Dawn Filming News: Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene Leaving For Louisiana!  ashley greeneBreaking Dawn Ashley LAX1 Breaking Dawn Filming News: Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene Leaving For Louisiana!  ashley greene

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