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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Twilight Trilogy Screening at the LA Fantasy Film Festival

If you don’t have any Halloween plans, live in the LA area,  and want to take a trip down Twilight memory lane,  the LA Fantasy Film Festival being held at the Warner Grand Theatre, will be screening all 3 Twilight films 10/31/10 .  Here is what Warner Grand Theatre has to say about the event :
For the Twi-hards, it’s all three films in one day! From the original Twilight (2008), to Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009), to the recently released Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), enjoy this 21st century vampire romance series on the big screen. The Twilight films are based on the original award-winning novels by author Stephenie Meyer. They follow the life story of Bella Swan, a teenager from Washington State who falls in love with Edward Cullen, a 104-year-old vampire. Costume contest precedes the films. $8 for each movie or $20 for all three!
For detailed  information on the event  click here : GrandVision
Source : PattinsonOnline

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