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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn Filming News: The Swan House!

Breaking Dawn SNP SwanHouse HC 026 copy 560x315 Breaking Dawn Filming News: The Swan House!  bella swan
According to Vancouver’s Newsgirl News, the construction for the  Swan house (exterior) for Breaking Dawn has started!
Construction started early this morning in Kerry Park in Surrey.  Twilight fans will be thrilled to learn that filming will return to British Columbia mid February.  The Swan House was a location fans flocked to see during filming of both New Moon and Eclipse.  The house is just a shell of a house with no interior decoration or structural design.  The art department hangs the drapes and puts a lamp in the front window but the interior of the house is an empty shell.  The interior shots of “The Swan House” are filmed on a sound stage.

Breaking Dawn SNP SwanHouse HC 032 copy 560x315 Breaking Dawn Filming News: The Swan House!  bella swan
I first reported seeing the locations team at this location last fall.  I was on a Movie Location Tour and I asked my guests if they would like to see the lot where they set up the house.  Upon our arrival at the lot I was surprised to see a couple of familiar faces.  They were have a location meeting.  At the time I was sure they would return in 2010 to do some filming but they  filmed Breaking Dawn in Baton Rouge through the winter.
The house will take about 7 to 10 days to complete.  A large chain link fence surrounds the property and several No Trespassing Signs are hanging on the fence.  Security at this location is quite high due to some naughty fans trying to collect a small bit of Movie History.
There are three large trees that have to be planted in front of the house and then a large tree outside of Bella’s bedroom window.  Some of the landscaping has been completed and the driveway going down to the underground garage is also complete.

[Source: NewsgirlNews via VampireClub]

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