USA Today has published a new interview from Stephenie Meyer that was released via Little, Brown. In the interview Stephenie explains why she recommends fans should read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner before going to see Eclipse -
Q: Why do you feel it is important for people to read Bree’s story prior to the release of the Eclipse movie?
A: Eclipse is told from only Bella’s perspective. That has some limitations; when there is so much going on off-stage (so to speak), it leaves a lot of mysteries. The films have the advantage of seeing the story from outside of Bella’s head. The viewer can see things — like the wolves hunting Victoria in New Moon— that the reader only gets hints of. Of all the Twilight books, Eclipse has the most going on outside of Bella’s view. For the movie to work, we have to see and understand some of these things.
Knowing that elements of Bree’s story were being incorporated into the movie, I hoped the story could somehow get out first. Personally, I always want to read a book before seeing the movie. I like to make my own mental pictures before someone else’s picture intrudes. Probably most of my readers don’t have the same hang-up, but for those who do, I wanted to give them the chance to create their own mental pictures of Bree and the gang.
Q: In which order would you recommend one read The Twilight Saga with the addition of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner? Should they follow Eclipse with the novella or finish Breaking Dawn before cracking the pages of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?To find out what else Stephenie has to say about Bree Tanner, read the full article here!
A: If I were going to read the saga for the first time, I would probably read Bella’s story straight through before launching into other perspectives.
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