‘You are my life now’ Do you remember exactly where you were, when you witnessed the beginning of forever? The Twilight parking lot crash scene is beyond epic in my opinion. Who knew almost being smashed by a mini van could be so…romantic!
It was pivotal to the forward motion of the characters’ relationship, and it was also an exhibition of Edward Cullen’s strength and capability as (then unknown to Bella) a vampire.
Already, that particular scene was chosenas number four on AOL Moviefone’s “Top 25 Movie Moments of the Decade,” and, now, Fandango has selected it as fifth on their “Top 10 Romantic Movie Gestures” list.

Says Fandango, “Ask any girl under the age of 20 (and many older) to name their most romantic movie gesture, and it could very likely be Edward (Robert Pattinson) throwing himself in front of a speeding van to save his one and only Bella (Kristen Stewart). Vampire lore — and box office receipts — would never be the same.”
I so feel an originial Twi discussion brewing lol. What’s your favorite part in the Twilight book or movie? Which scene do you feel is the most romantic ever?