
Hi Welcome to the Twilight Universe blogger. This blogger is all about Twilight. The cast, Books, movies, everything, and anything Twilight. And all the latest Twilight news about the cast,ect.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More Pics of Taylor at the Steelers Game

Here are some more pics of Taylor enjoying the Steelers game in Pittsburgh this past weekend.

Anna Kendrick in Dublin to Promote ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’

Here are some pics of Anna Kendrick while in Dublin promoting her new moview Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Ashley Greene on the Set of ‘LOL’

Here are some pics of Ashley Greene on the set of her new movie LOL.

Anna Kendrick in Dublin today

Anna Kendrick was in Dublin, Ireland, today (August 16) promoting her film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and she was snapped out on the street. She looks great!
More photos here.

Kiowa Gordon Parties At Peabodys Night Club!

New pictures of Eclipse Wolf Kiowa Gordon (aka Embry) at Peabodys Night Club in Virgina Beach!

You can check out all of the pictures over at Peabodys Official Facebook Page!

EW Wants To Know Who Is Sexier — Edward Cullen or Damon Salvatore?

EW.com has a new poll asking fans to vote on who they think is sexier — our very own Edward Cullen or the Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore!
Yes, folks, a battle of the beautiful that began almost a month ago with 64 entrants — vampires and werewolves, mutants and machines, aliens and other creatures (even Ms. Pac-Man!) — has been whittled down to just two combatants: The Vampire Diaries‘ Damon Salvatore and Twilight‘s Edward Cullen. So stop what you’re doing, think deeply about the most important question you’ll ask yourself all day (“Who’s hotter?) and then click through past the jump to vote for your favorite. Plus, you can click here to see the entire 64-player bracket and how it played out (then click again on the image for a zoomed-in view). Polls are open for 72 hours only, so support your candidate in battle; only one can be named the ultimate Sexy Beast!
 Go here to vote!!

New Nikki Reed Photo By Nathan Reed!

The above  picture of Nikki also taken by her brother.
If you haven’t checked it out already — go take a look at Nikki’s personal blog!
[Source:Nikki Reed Central]

Jackson Rathbone Is Not Against Doing Nudity For A Role!

Jackson-Rathbone.com got an exclusive interview with Jackson.Here is what he had to say about doing nudity for a role -
As an actor, is there anything that you wouldn’t do in a movie? (examples: nudity, extremely racist dialogue, etc.)
I have turned down roles that I found morally reprehensible… but in the same breath I must concede that I love playing morally reprehensible characters. As long as it’s tasteful and intelligent, and my family promises to never see it, I might do nudity… Might.

You can read the rest of the awesome interview here!

Breaking Dawn Part One & Two, IMDB Rumors!

The first is over on the Breaking Dawn Part 1 page — Xavier Samuel is listed as a cast member for Riley (Who was killed off in Eclipse) -

IMDB is user based, and the information can be changed without verification. However, Riley may be in part 1 of Breaking Dawn for flashbacks, or perhaps new dream sequences Bella may have.
The second interesting update comes from the Breaking Dawn part 2 IMDB page. There is already an actor listed as rumored to play the part of Eleazar -

Michael AvMen is a fairly unknown actor. Whether or not he is a contender for the part of Eleazar, we have no idea. Like I said before, this is listed as a rumor, and could have been changed by a user to create buzz.

A Rep For James Franco Says The Actor Will NOT Be Joining The Breaking Dawn Cast!

In the interview James stated that he was reading Twilight for a project.
Much speculation came out of that interview. We all assumed the obvious — James was joining the Breaking Dawn cast.
Well Gossip Cop got the deets and has officially busted our bubble -
A rep for Franco tells Gossip Cop the speculation about him joining Breaking Dawn is “not true.”
Rumors often seem to come from thin air, their origins a mystery. Given the Esquire piece, this one is at least somewhat more reasonable — but it’s still inaccurate.
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