She's starring in Yellow Handkerchief in theaters now, and is ready to wow audiences as rocker Joan Jett in The RunawaysMarch 19 but Kristen Stewart admits that the hardest role for her to play is Bella! With The Twilight Saga; Eclipse coming out June 30, Kristen is anxious for fans to see one of their favorite scenes -- even if it was one of the most nerve-wracking for her to film!
New Moon ended with Edward asking Bella to marry him, so Kristen had to get ready to film her response for Eclipse. "To decide you're gonna marry someone at 18 is a pretty hefty decision," Kristen admits. "I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want it to look like kids getting married. I hope it turned out alright!"
Kristen shared what scenes she'd like to see in the Eclipse trailer -- that will run before Remember Me out March 12! "There's a really cool thing that happens on a cliff with Jacob that should definitely be in there," she spills. Kristen also wants the audience to get a sneak peek at the newborn vampires that will be a part of the third flick. "The newborns are going to look awesome," she promises.