Breaking Dawn human Michael Welch (aka Mike Newton) recently tweeted that the cast of Breaking Dawn is at 980 people, and how he is somewhat relieved that things are coming to an end -

Great day having cast mates Rami, Casey, and Richard come and get dirty with me, working on Rosalie’s house with the St. Bernard Project.The St. Bernard Project helps ‘create housing opportunities so that Hurricane Katrina survivors can return to their homes and communities.’
Let’s talk about your next “big break”, Breaking Dawn – how’d you get involved in that?Well, I auditioned… again. It was just a good audition – and I think I found out about that in August, and they didn’t make the announcements for the Covens because they have A LOT of Covens in this one. I don’t think I’m releasing any spoilers because the books have been published – I’m not sure what’s in the book and what’s in the script, but it’s – for people who love the books… this is seriously… they are going all out, this is prom. You know what I mean? [laughs] This is formal.More after the break!
You guys are filming part one and part two at the same time?
Yeah, they’re doing them at the same time.
Does that make for long days?
Yeah, you’re only doing one unit at a time. I think that it can get confusing [laughs], but they have it organized – I couldn’t do it, what they’re doing with all of the scheduling and all of the green screening, there’s a lot of detail in this stuff. Way more than LOST, I was never aware in LOST that there was any CGI going on – if they did CGI later, it was surprising… and I was like “Oh, I didn’t know they were going to do that.” Like when were in solitary doing the stuff in Iraq – all of that was real, but then in one sequence when he’s [Sayid] walking on army base and actually one one side of the army base it looks exactly like it does, but on the other side has all of this lush foliage because it’s Hawaii – and they were real army barracks from World War II. So the other side they CGI’d out to make it desert – that had nothing to do with my acting, it had nothing to do with what I was doing. So it was really funny having to act with stuff that is not there – I’ve never done that before.
Let’s get to the first Twitter question…Oh, cool.
@Twilightfreak72 wanted to know what it was like on the set of Breaking Dawn – and what was your favorite part of playing a vampire?
[laughs] It’s a lot of fun – the vampires are a blast… all of the people who are in this cast… it’s a wonderful group, and it’s very diverse. Just like there’s not two of any one kind – it’s a real bonding experience because we’re all in the same boat, we’re all on location and our families, our homes and our pets are all [laughs] very far away. So it does feel like camp. And then, my favorite part of playing a vampire is… I guess just being a badass. [laughs]
Thanks Sophie at f
Are you wearing a lot of makeup in this role?
Not a lot, no. There’s certain vampire traits that I have, but no… I mean these are hot vampires. [laughs] These are runway vampires, they’re very stylish, they’re very cool… there’s not a bad looking one in it that I can see. [laughs] I think this vampire thing is a good racket if you can get it because they’re going to surrounded by hot co-workers.
Is this a physical role?Mine’s not, no. There are some very physical roles – mine is not as physical as some of them. Yeah, there’s going to be a ton of action in this – that’s part of what they’re working on right now. It’s going to be like crazy… crazy action.
Another Twitter question, TwiLifeLover wanted to know: Did you really enjoy working with the cast? Was it easy? And were they funny?
[laughs] Yes… yes… and yes. [laughs] Yeah, I’m having a great time – and everybody is hilarious. There’s some very clever… we laugh a lot… we laugh a lot. We have little inside vampire jokes, it’s a lot of fun.
And most of the cast is a lot younger than you.
Um, it depends. The main characters are younger, yeah, but as for the vampires they kind of run the gambit. There are a few in my age range, there are few in their early twenties, and then there are a few that are older. But the main characters – it’s geared towards the kids.
One last Twitter question, _Cammie_ wanted to know what you thought about Mackenzie Foy?
Oh, she’s awesome. She’s really… really… really cool. She’s VERY smart, and she’s really precocious – and not precocious in a showy kind of way that sometimes kid actors can be – you can tell that she is very wise. And wise beyond her years. And she [laughs] complains less than anybody [laughs] on the set… the adults tend to whine more than she does. She’s quite a trooper with a great attitude all of the time. She’s really wonder and really pretty – she’s going to be a stunner.
Since the cast has been together for a while now, were you worried about being the newcomer?Well, yeah… they’re all pretty well bonded so it’s just like showing up at a new job or a new school – and since I’ve guest starred on a lot of shows I kind of know what it feels like to step into that situation. And usually people are very welcoming to newcomers. It’s a long process, so it’s almost like you’ve become accustomed to each other – you become part of the gang.
Obviously Breaking Dawn is taking up a lot of your time, do you have any plans for when you’re done filming? Anything else you want to work on?
We’ll see. [laughs] You kind of have to see where your schedule is at, you know?
I guarantee this [Breaking Dawn] will open a lot of doors.
Aww, well thank you.