The official Eclipse website now has down-loadable wallpapers of Bella, Jacob and Edward! Click on MEDIA, then click on DOWNLOADS.
[Source: Eclipsethemovie via ThinkingofRob]
Bella, Jacob and Eclipse logo after the break!

I initially reported nearly two weeks ago that tickets for “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” were beginning to go on sale. At the time, moviefone.com had listed three theaters across the nation offering online sales for the 12AM show. As of today, moviefone.com alone has increased the original number by twenty, and many local theaters have opened sales for the 12AM showing offline.
Currently on moviefone.com, “Eclipse” tickets are on sale in theaters in the following towns across the U.S.: California (Monrovia, Corona, and Vista), Nebraska (Fremont, Nebraska City), Iowa (Sioux City, Orange City, Shenandoah), Kentucky (Glasgow), Tennessee (Kingsport), Virginia (Fredricksburg, Wytheville), West Virginia (South Charleston, Beckley, Summersville, Triadelphia), North Carolina (Morganton, Statesville, Raleigh), South Carolina (Charleston), New York (Brooklyn, New Hartford), New Jersey (Toms River)
This list is by no means complete, it is simply what I have been able to compile by speaking with various people “in the know” one way or another (directly or indirectly) and should I learn more I will edit/add. Three long days of shooting surely covered more than these scenes and if they were re-worked scenes or simply “lighting/colouring adjustments” I can’t say with certainty but will address later in this post.Gossip Columnist, Lainey Gossip, also shares some gossip/rumours/drama to add to it all. You can read that crap here.
-Tent Scene (Bella crawls into Jacob’s sleeping bag, banter between Jake & Edward)
-Pick Me (Jacob’s heart felt plee with Bella)
-Kiss & Punch (Jacob & Bella)
-Various Close up’s (Yes wig issues worked out for Bella, these shots are likely the lighting/colouring adjustments also)
-Some love triangle discussion (jealousy of Edward, persistence of Jacob, confusion of Bella, mostly at tent scene but some in Bella’s room of Edward/Bella)
I have heard there needed to be MORE Jacob/Bella in the film and deeper emotion with the two of them in scenes. Take that as you will.
I also heard due to being unable to get the “Meadow” set for a 2nd day (Another production was using the area) because they couldn’t get everything done in the first day, (again I don’t know but I imagine due to Robert Pattinson not being there) they had to try to shoot close-up’s of cast as if in the meadow (this reminds me of Catherine Hardwicke’s “meadow” but rest assured, it was only for close-up’s apparently so they will still have wide shots of the ACTUAL meadow outdoors from original filming in the summer says source)