It seems the media likes to group all successfuly young adult novels together, no matter how different they may be. Just that has happened since
Twilight blew up huge a couple of years ago, getting constant comparisons to a very different series of books:
Harry Potter. Well, now everyone insists that
The Hunger Games is the new
Twilight. Neither does’s Tina Jordan. Here is her reasoning:
It’s Twilight all over again.How many times have I heard that in the two years since The Hunger Games came out? Too many too count. And I have to say, it continues to baffle me: These novels could not be more different. Stephenie Meyer’s is more of a traditional romance (populated, I grant you, by some pretty untraditional characters); while Suzanne Collins’ is a tale of war and survival.
Is it that both books star unforgettable women? I suppose you could say that in the most sweeping and general sense, Katniss Everdeen and Bella Swan are alike: Both have cores of steel. They know what they want, and they aren’t going to back down. But for me, any similarity ends there.
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