MTV is going to be at the Eclipse Premiere and streaming live.
Kimmy from the Twilight Fansite His Golden Eyes along with MTV’s Josh Horowitz will be cohosting.
You can watch in the video below. They will be live from 6:30pm-8:30pm PT.
When the time comes and in case the video below is not working you can watch it on MTV’s homepage here.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Kristen Stewart At The ‘Love Ranch’ Premiere

Kristen Stewart attended the premiere of Love Ranch at ArcLight Hollywood on June 23, 2010 in Hollywood, California. Kristen posed with her Runaways costar Scout Taylor-Compton who stars in Love Ranch.
[Source: Kstewartfans]
Eclipse Stars Surprise Fans Camping Out For The Premiere

Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper Hale), Peter Facinelli (aka Dr. Carlisle Cullen), Billy Burke (aka Charlie Swan) and Julia Jones (aka Leah Clearwater) surprised fans camping out for the Twilight Saga Eclipse premiere yesterday June 23rd. Jackson, Peter, Billy and Julia met fans and even gave out food!
The Twilight Saga Eclipse premiere is tonight, June 24th, at the Nokia theatre in Los Angeles, California
[source: ABC, JacksonRathboneOnline, BBC via Vampire Club.
More Of The Entertainment Weekly Interview PLUS New Photos!

We previously posted Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson covers for the July issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine and sneek peak of their interview. Here is another part of their interview plus scans of Taylor, Kristen and Rob from the EW issue!! Pick up this split cover July issue of EW on newsstand June 25th!
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: One scene fans have been dying to see takes place in the tent during the snowstorm. Jacob warms up Bella with his body because Edward is cold-blooded and can’t do it himself.[Source: EW via RPLife, TwilightersNorway.
LAUTNER: The tent scene is probably my favorite, because it’s the first time Edward and Jacob are actually able to connect and understand each other.
How many takes did you go through to get that scene?
LAUTNER:Two days originally to film it, and then a full day of reshoots.
PATTINSON: [The director] wanted it to be more erotic. Seriously.
STEWART:It’s true. In the book there’s a serious sexual tension. As I’m sleeping, Jacob is staring over my vulnerable body, and he’s naked in this f- - -ing sleeping bag because you heat up faster that way, and Jacob and Edward are leveling with each other.
Taylor, you and Rob have some pretty serious confrontations in this movie.
LAUTNER: Some of those scenes were pretty hard for me. I think we ruined a couple of takes in front of the house and in the tent. It’s just, I don’t know, I have a hard time looking at him…
STEWART: Ha! “I have such a hard time looking at him”!
LAUTNER: [Laughs] I wasn’t finished. He and I were thisclose to each other — we are literally, like, an inch away — and we’re screaming at each other.
STEWART: And about to kiss…
LAUTNER: A couple of moments it felt like that.
PATTINSON: Every single time we had to do a threatening thing to each other — for one thing, you always have your shirt off, and so in the tent scene I literally grabbed your breast. And it’s very difficult to remain in the moment. Also, in that tent scene, I can’t really get over the fact that the word thought sounds like fart.
STEWART: The word thought does not sound like fart.
STEWART: Maybe because you are an English person.
PATTINSON: The opening line of that scene is “Can you at least keep your farts to yourself?” I couldn’t quite get over that.
New Eclipse Stills Of Maria And Royce King!

Check out these new Eclipse stills of Maria played by Catalina Sandino Moreno and Royce King played by Jack Huston!

[Source: Twilightersnorway via Twifans]
Do Something 101 PSA With Nikki Reed
Nikki Reed (aka Rosalie Hale) stars in a public service announcement (PSA) for Do Something 101. and Staples are teaming up with Nikki for the 3rd Annual National Staples/Do Something 101 School Supply Drive ( help kick-off the campaign, Nikki is starring in a PSA that will air on television and radio stations nationwide starting in July, and Staples is donating more than $125,000 worth of school supplies to the program.Great job Nikki!! Go to DoSomething for more information!!
Nikki is encouraging teens to make a difference this summer by collecting school supplies and dropping them off at their local Staples store from July 4 through September 18. In addition, Staples customers will be able to get involved by donating $1 at any store, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting local students in need. Each store will be matched to a local educational not-for-profit organization serving local youth, and and Staples will ensure that all the donations get to these partners just in time for the new school year.
Teens who want to get involved can go to for ideas on how to run local school supply drives and to sign up for an action kit. Whether holding a school supply drive at summer camp, during a summer sports league, or at a neighborhood block party, and Staples offer tips, resources, and flyers for how to get started and make the most of every teen’s summer.
To further demonstrate support for, new for 2010, Staples is launching a line of products that students can use to keep organized and learn about important issues impacting their communities. These products will be available at Staples retail stores by July 4 and will direct students to, a dedicated microsite with additional information and suggestions to help students take action in their communities.
Making Of: Filmmakers Favorite Scene In Eclipse asked The Twilight Saga Eclipse director David Slade, producer Wyck Godfrey and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg what their favorite scene was in Eclipse.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner’s Entertainment Weekly Covers Revealed!

We previously gave you a sneak peek from the Entertainment Weekly interview with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
We now have two covers for the Entertainment Weekly issue, plus more quotes from the interview -
Did Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart confess their rumored romance backstage on “The Oprah Winfrey Show?”[Source: AccessHollywood.
That’s what one online report suggested in the wake of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” stars’ appearance (with co-star Taylor Lautner) on the show in May, but Kristen told Entertainment Weekly how things really went down.
“She glided over to me – and she was strong, by the way, really firm hands – and she said, ‘How are you?’ I said, ‘Good.’ She said, ‘Good. Are you nervous?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I am, but I think I’m OK.’ She said, ‘Good. We’ll have fun,’” Kristen told the mag. “And then she just walked away. And that was the most I talked to her backstage.”
Sneak Peek Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart’s EW Interview!

Entertainment Weekly has released a sneak peek of their interview with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
The sneak peek gives us insight over the whole rape comment made by Kristen, and what her and Rob both think of the who issue, that was blown out of proportion -
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Do you feel more at peace about being in the spotlight these days?
KRISTEN STEWART: I just feel more comfortable, more myself, and I feel less bare. I feel much more like nobody can take anything from me. Before, I felt literally like my chest was cracked open and people could just reach in and examine and pick at anything they wanted, and it just freaked me right out.
You got a lot of criticism recently for comparing the intrusiveness of the paparazzi to rape. The comment got blown out of proportion very quickly, and you apologized.
STEWART: I’m so sensitive about stuff like that. That is the one subject that means a lot to me. I made one movie directly concerning it [2004's Speak], and I made another one where my character has a horrible history of rape [2010's Welcome to the Rileys]. I talked to a lot of people about it. I used the wrong word. I should have said “violated.” But I’m young and emotional. It’s just the way it goes sometimes. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I just feel like people got so excited once they saw that it was me. It was like, “Sweet! Let’s get her!” And then for the people to exploit it under the guise of being morally upstanding is disgusting — and it embarrassed me because I was a part of it.
Did you see it all unfold and then think, I have to issue an apology?
STEWART: No, I was in Korea when it all got bad. My publicist called me and said RAINN had issued this terrible statement.
STEWART: You know, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
PATTINSON: None of those associations came out and gave a statement [criticizing Kristen] without being called upon by the media first — who were doing it specifically to get hits on their websites. That whole system of Internet journalists, where no one is called to account, is almost entirely about hate. All these people get away with doing it because they have no responsibility to anyone. All they need is to get a salacious headline and people click on it, because it’s easy. And it’s quite good being part of these Twilight films because you have to give so many interviews all the time, you can defend yourself. That’s the only way. All of us stick together, as well. There are so many little nerds behind their computers, on their little blogs.
STEWART: See, if I said that? Crucifixion. You can say so much more than me. It’s insane.
PATTINSON: That’s not true at all. When did I say anything [controversial]?
STEWART: You’re really good, but you could say, “I just took a s***on the Queen’s face,” and people would be like, “Oh, I love him! I love him!”
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