Above is a scan of Eclipse Vampire Xavier Samuel (aka Riley) from InStyle Magazine in Austria!
[Source: XavierSamuel.net]
Eclipse sweeps Spanish box office!
Last weekend was without a doubt Eclipse’s weekend. The movie took over 73% of the nation’s total box office. Not even Spain’s World Cup victory was able to make the smallest dent over the impressive figures of the third installment of The Twilight Saga, numbers that speak for themselves: over 1.34 million viewers and more than € 8,500,000 ($10,958,788.01 dollars in one weekend) were raised at the box office, which have made Eclipse the most successful and most watched film of 2010 in its first five days in theaters. The amazing commercial success of Eclipse confirms once again the loyal support from all the followers of the Twilight saga that keep enjoying the dangerous love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob.
Twilight Saga producer Wyck Godfrey has revealed how the filmmakers are considering handling Breaking Dawn‘s graphic birth scene, and why 3-D is still an option for the final installment of the franchise.I personally don’t think 3-D is wise. But that’s why I’m not in the movie business. Maybe it will come out fantastic, but I’ll pass on a 3-D Breaking Dawn. Check out the full story here.
My wife’s an OB-GYN so we should bring her on set to make sure that if Edward is going to do an oral Cesarean, he really needs to make the proper incision with his teeth.” Then, he shared the anti-gore rational that, I have to admit, makes perfect sense:“I think the one thing that we’ve done that we’ve really done in all the films is keep them very subjective and keep them from Bella’s point of view. So the conversations we’ve had with Bill, is that we’ll try to do something similar here; you’re with Bella’s perspective and her point of view of what’s taking place in the rush around her, as she’s in intense pain. Not so focused, objectively, on her body and his body and that. So I think it’ll be something like that, in terms of trying to make the audience experience and feel the confusion, almost, of what’s happening to her.”
When rumors first broke in February that producers were considering going 3-D for Breaking Dawn, 67 percent of readers responding to a PopWatch poll didn’t like the idea. But Godfrey makes a reasonable case for that as well:
“We have considered it, and everything’s being discussed, but I know that part of a way to differentiate the two movies would be to have one be in 2-D, and when she becomes a vampire we move into 3-D. But we haven’t really gotten far enough to decide what we’re going to do. I’m of two minds of it, frankly, and I think everyone is; I don’t want to chase the format if it’s not organic and appropriate. If we think it is, we will.”