New pictures of Kristen Stewart on the red carpet for the Remember Me premiere in New York.
Kristen is attending the event in support of her Twilight Saga co-star Robert Pattinson, and his new movie Remember Me.
[Source: Socialitelife]
“Nah, it’s gone,” Howard tells us — just a few months after he quipped to MTV: “We might even do something for the third one. How about that for a scoop?”[Source: Doce.ca via Twifans]
The news is surprising given the band is pals-y with Eclipse’s director, David Slade (he helmed loads of Muse’s early videos), and possibly pals-ier with Stephenie Meyer (there’s even a photo of lead singer Matthew Bellamy cozying up to Twilight’s dark-ish mistress on Muse’s official site).
“Oh, it’s nothing to do with Stephenie, she’s totally cool,” says Howard, beginning to explain how Muse have potentially broken their Twilight hat-trick. “It’s the people in the movie business, completely outside of the writers and the creative types, the non-creative types I suppose are the people who are quite hard to deal with in Hollywood, so it didn’t work out.”
As for the original tune in question, which remains untitled, Howard says it would have fit Eclipse like Edward on Bella — even though it wasn’t directly inspired by the books or movies.
“It was a love song, so it’s a personal song, and it wasn’t really to do with the films. But it was sounding good,” he says.
Muse still plans to release it, says Howard, even if you won’t hear it on the Eclipse soundtrack. (Maybe you can just play it over the make-out scenes once the flick hits DVD.)
“Yeah, yeah, we sure will [release it]. I mean, it was great. We worked on it in Australia, we were ready to record, we were going to do some recording with Butch Vig, so we might still do it,” he says. “I’m sure the song will definitely come to life for real at some point, but I think for this film it’s not going to happen.”
“You can never be a character, that’s the one thing I’m sort of starting to realize,” he said. “I always thought that, you know, you look at ‘Raging Bull’ and stuff and think, ‘Wow, [Robert] De Niro, he’s become someone else.’ And I was completely convinced that there is some way that you can actually become someone else for three months.”
During the time Rob was filming “Twilight,” there is a story that says he was taking the role of Edward Cullen so seriously it was making him depressed, and the producers and crew on the film had to tell him to lighten up. It seems now that lesson has sunk in.
“I’m gradually starting to realize it’s more about performance rather than actually some kind of physical [transformation], and it’s taken me quite a long time to realize that,” Rob said.
His costar, Emilie de Ravin, went through a similar transformation to unknown to widely recognized thanks to her character Claire on “Lost.” She said she also found it hard not get too wrapped up in her characters.
“I’m always quite self-deprecating, I suppose,” she said, stealing the word so often used to describe Rob. “I’m trying to get out of that and trying to look at something from a removed point of view.”
“I think the Pattinson community is going insane,” Oscars coproducer Adam Shankman told us last night at Vanity Fair’s FEED Foundation and Hungry in America Project event. “All I want to say is, ‘He’s not available!’ ”I think the fans understand that Rob is extremely busy right now! He can’t simply make it to EVERY event, awards show, etc! It will be nice to see Taylor Lautner presenting at the Oscars with Kristen!
Yes, Pattinson is currently in New York City to promote his new romantic drama Remember Me, but…
Rob has to jet right back to Europe to continue shooting Bel Ami.
“It’s not like we snubbed him,” Shankman assured us. “It’s not like we said no to him. We asked him to be in the show. We tried really really hard to get him there. We were working on getting Summit to fly him in for the day, but eventually it became too much.”
Yesterday I interviewed R. Patz (as his fans affectionately call him) at the Regency Hotel here in New York. He was wearing an army-green jacket, a plain white-T and jeans. What really stood out was his hair. It was sticking straight up on top. It seemed to me that he was unlike most actors with preening stylists in tow. I liked that.You can read more after the break!
They held me right before it was my turn to go into his room. I could overhear one of the girls on headset saying, “Where are Robert’s lattes? It’s been a while.” Soon a tray came up to the room with two metal pitchers.
When I walked into to the room they announced my name and that I was with CNN. Pattinson stood up to shake my hand. This rarely happens at press junkets. Journalists are ushered in and out interview rooms like a revolving door – no one gets up.
I thought Robert looked a little pale, perhaps that’s what was making his green eyes seem so green. He was easy to talk to and relaxed, although through most of the interview his hands were moving. At times they were in his hair – now I understood why it was standing up seemingly on its own. He might have seemed a little sloppy, with his unruly hair and his slouchy T-shirt, but perhaps that is what made him more endearing.
I asked him how he was doing. He didn’t complain; he motioned to the small table nearby which now had his coffee.
He asked me if I was based in New York. I told him that I was.
“That’s cool,” he said. “How have you been finding the snow?” he asked in his soft-spoken English accent.
“It’s been okay, manageable.” I answered. I think he started to say “Can’t deal with it,” when suddenly we heard someone yell “SPEED.”
We both laughed – it was time to start the interview. No time for small talk, there was a cattle drive outside of journalists waiting for their handful of minutes with him.You can read the rest of her awesome interview with Rob here!
I asked Pattinson about the film and if he thought it was about love and the fragility of life.
“Sometimes people come into your life like at the right time and you know they achieve, there’s like a purpose they’re destined to achieve something. But I don’t know if it’s necessarily about love but it does fix something in either one of them.”
“Remember Me” doesn’t have a typical Hollywood ending, and what happens has been leaked on the Internet. I asked him about the way the film ends.
“It’s strange as well as being a sort of tragedy cause also it’s very weirdly uplifting movie as well for a kind of tragic thing.”