Breaking Dawn human Michael Welch (aka Mike Newton) recently tweeted that the cast of Breaking Dawn is at 980 people, and how he is somewhat relieved that things are coming to an end -

Great day having cast mates Rami, Casey, and Richard come and get dirty with me, working on Rosalie’s house with the St. Bernard Project.The St. Bernard Project helps ‘create housing opportunities so that Hurricane Katrina survivors can return to their homes and communities.’
Let’s talk about your next “big break”, Breaking Dawn – how’d you get involved in that?Well, I auditioned… again. It was just a good audition – and I think I found out about that in August, and they didn’t make the announcements for the Covens because they have A LOT of Covens in this one. I don’t think I’m releasing any spoilers because the books have been published – I’m not sure what’s in the book and what’s in the script, but it’s – for people who love the books… this is seriously… they are going all out, this is prom. You know what I mean? [laughs] This is formal.More after the break!
You guys are filming part one and part two at the same time?
Yeah, they’re doing them at the same time.
Does that make for long days?
Yeah, you’re only doing one unit at a time. I think that it can get confusing [laughs], but they have it organized – I couldn’t do it, what they’re doing with all of the scheduling and all of the green screening, there’s a lot of detail in this stuff. Way more than LOST, I was never aware in LOST that there was any CGI going on – if they did CGI later, it was surprising… and I was like “Oh, I didn’t know they were going to do that.” Like when were in solitary doing the stuff in Iraq – all of that was real, but then in one sequence when he’s [Sayid] walking on army base and actually one one side of the army base it looks exactly like it does, but on the other side has all of this lush foliage because it’s Hawaii – and they were real army barracks from World War II. So the other side they CGI’d out to make it desert – that had nothing to do with my acting, it had nothing to do with what I was doing. So it was really funny having to act with stuff that is not there – I’ve never done that before.
Let’s get to the first Twitter question…Oh, cool.
@Twilightfreak72 wanted to know what it was like on the set of Breaking Dawn – and what was your favorite part of playing a vampire?
[laughs] It’s a lot of fun – the vampires are a blast… all of the people who are in this cast… it’s a wonderful group, and it’s very diverse. Just like there’s not two of any one kind – it’s a real bonding experience because we’re all in the same boat, we’re all on location and our families, our homes and our pets are all [laughs] very far away. So it does feel like camp. And then, my favorite part of playing a vampire is… I guess just being a badass. [laughs]
Thanks Sophie at f
Are you wearing a lot of makeup in this role?
Not a lot, no. There’s certain vampire traits that I have, but no… I mean these are hot vampires. [laughs] These are runway vampires, they’re very stylish, they’re very cool… there’s not a bad looking one in it that I can see. [laughs] I think this vampire thing is a good racket if you can get it because they’re going to surrounded by hot co-workers.
Is this a physical role?Mine’s not, no. There are some very physical roles – mine is not as physical as some of them. Yeah, there’s going to be a ton of action in this – that’s part of what they’re working on right now. It’s going to be like crazy… crazy action.
Another Twitter question, TwiLifeLover wanted to know: Did you really enjoy working with the cast? Was it easy? And were they funny?
[laughs] Yes… yes… and yes. [laughs] Yeah, I’m having a great time – and everybody is hilarious. There’s some very clever… we laugh a lot… we laugh a lot. We have little inside vampire jokes, it’s a lot of fun.
And most of the cast is a lot younger than you.
Um, it depends. The main characters are younger, yeah, but as for the vampires they kind of run the gambit. There are a few in my age range, there are few in their early twenties, and then there are a few that are older. But the main characters – it’s geared towards the kids.
One last Twitter question, _Cammie_ wanted to know what you thought about Mackenzie Foy?
Oh, she’s awesome. She’s really… really… really cool. She’s VERY smart, and she’s really precocious – and not precocious in a showy kind of way that sometimes kid actors can be – you can tell that she is very wise. And wise beyond her years. And she [laughs] complains less than anybody [laughs] on the set… the adults tend to whine more than she does. She’s quite a trooper with a great attitude all of the time. She’s really wonder and really pretty – she’s going to be a stunner.
Since the cast has been together for a while now, were you worried about being the newcomer?Well, yeah… they’re all pretty well bonded so it’s just like showing up at a new job or a new school – and since I’ve guest starred on a lot of shows I kind of know what it feels like to step into that situation. And usually people are very welcoming to newcomers. It’s a long process, so it’s almost like you’ve become accustomed to each other – you become part of the gang.
Obviously Breaking Dawn is taking up a lot of your time, do you have any plans for when you’re done filming? Anything else you want to work on?
We’ll see. [laughs] You kind of have to see where your schedule is at, you know?
I guarantee this [Breaking Dawn] will open a lot of doors.
Aww, well thank you.
New ‘Twilight’ star Judi Shekoni has an unusual sideline business — she runs a hair extension company.
Judi will play Zafrina in ‘Twilight Breaking Dawn’, but before she got the part she set up Extensions Evolution with a friend.Head to TheHotHits to read the full article.
They sell hair extensions and wigs all over the world, and even have some celebrity clients.
Judi says, “It has been amazing. We have wigs that Beyonce wears and Tyra Banks wears.”
RED RIDING HOOD (March 11) [Catherine Hardwicke]See the full list here.
This is not the fairy tale you remember. In this telling, Amanda Seyfried is the heroine Valerie, whose village is being terrorized by a werewolf that goes on to kill someone close to her. A hunter (Gary Oldman) stokes the villagers’ paranoia, while Valerie is in a love triangle with the man her parents want her to marry (Max Irons) and the one she really loves (Shiloh Fernandez).
WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (April 22) [Robert Pattinson]
”To have a costar who is this reliable, this sensitive and circumspect and intelligent — it’s just fabulous,” says Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds). He’s not talking about Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson, who play the star performer and veterinary student in an adaptation of Sara Gruen’s best-seller about a traveling circus in the 1930s. He’s talking about Tai, a 9,000-pound Asian elephant.
The final Harry Potter film brings Daniel Radcliffe’s titular boy wizard nose-to-snake-snout with Ralph Fiennes’ villainous Voldemort in a wand duel to the death. ”It’s very much an action film,” says producer David Heyman. ”Part 1 was more akin to a road film. Part 2 is all about the destination.”
THE HELP (August 12) [Bryce Dallas Howard]
Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Sissy Spacek, and Octavia Spencer (former roommate of the director, Tate Taylor) all star in this adaptation of Kathryn Stockett’s hit 2009 novel about the enmeshed worlds of African-American maids.
Even if you don’t know each plot twist and turn from the final book in Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling series, every self-respecting Twihard is aware that Breaking Dawn features Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) becoming vampire man and wife and sharing a marital bed for the first time. ”Finally!” laughs director Bill Condon. ”It is one of the most anticipated scenes, and I spent a tremendous amount of time thinking about it. You want to play with what people expect and maybe subvert it a little and surprise them.”
They may be hard at work filming Breaking Dawn in Louisiana, but it looks like the Twilight boys are still finding ways to blow off steam! In what may be one of the biggest cast assemblages yet, has learned exclusively that Robert Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Jamie Campbell-Bower, Michael Sheen and a few of the other male cast members enjoyed a night of sushi and shots at Tsunami in Baton Rouge Jan. 25. Sadly, it looks like no girls were invited!Read more at Hollywood Life.
A source inside the swanky restaurant says, “The boys got there around 9:30 pm and sat at a table, there were about 15 of them. They stayed until closing, sometime between 11:30ish or midnight. Rob sat next to Jamie and was pretty low key in a hoodie!” A Cullen fraternizing with a Volturi?! Scandalous!
“A girl from a nearby table ordered them a round of lemon drop shots, and the bartender took it with them,” the source went on to say. “Rob was really nice and introduced himself to the bartender and seemed really happy and down-to-earth.”
Is Kristen Stewart the fairest of them all?
The Twilight star is on the list for the role of Snow White in Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman.
The movie, being directed by Rupert Sanders, is in deep casting mode, with Viggo Mortensen entering negotiations to play the Huntsman earlier Wednesday. Charlize Theron is in negotiations to play the evil queen.
Stewart is a name that Universal has kept coming back to since acquiring the project even as it went through a series of screen tests with actresses such as Riley Keough, Felicity Jones and Alicia Vikander. Emily Browning tested this past weekend (Stewart has reached a point in her career where testing isn’t required).
Stewart, arguably one of the biggest stars in the world thanks to the Twilight movies, has focused on indie projects in between the vampire romancers, and this could become her first studio project since becoming a name. It also would put her in the shoes of an iconic character.
The Gersh-repped actress is currently shooting the Breaking Dawn movies, but the Snow White team has been making repeated overtures even as late as last week.
With word circulating that Viggo Mortensen is in talks to play one of the title characters in the Rupert Sanders-directed Snow White and the Huntsman for Universal Pictures, will Twilight Saga‘s Kristen Stewart end up with playing Snow White? Though the studio has been testing young actresses and no one is set, there are persistent rumors that Stewart looms large as a potential lead. Mortensen surfaces in the lead of that movie in a role that had been rumored for Michael Fassbender. But Fassbender never had an offer and he committed to the Ridley Scott-directed Prometheus with Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron. Ironically, Theron is also starring in Huntsmen as the Evil Queen. Stewart is repped by Gersh. Stay tuned…[Source: THR and Deadline.
Kristen Stewart has plans to help the world, too.Head to Eonline to read the full article.
The Twi-star reveals…
She plans to develop a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get their lives back, an idea that was inspired by her research for the role of a runaway in the sex trade.
“Anytime I hear that somebody’s really rich, the first question is, ‘Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?’ ” Stewart says in the new issue of Vogue magazine.
Stewart, who reportedly is banking more than $25 million for the two Breaking Dawn movies, says of the halfway houses, “Right now it’s the thing I feel most connected to.”
Even though the actress can now help the less fortunate in Jolie-esque ways, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss having a so-called regular life. “There’s no way to eloquently put this,” she says. “I just can’t go to the mall. It bothers me that I can’t be outside very often. And also to not ever be just ‘some girl’ again. Just being some chick at some place, that’s gone.’ “
6. Robert PattinsonSource: GQ via RobsessedPattinson
Robert Pattinson wearing Gucci to the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.