Guide to Beauty Schools has an article up listing the 20 hottest Male Vampires.
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen in Twilight got the second Spot.
Below is what they had to say:
Oh, Edward Cullen. Your penchant for stalking teenage girls and attending high school for all of eternity aside (dude, why ?), you are one good looking bloodsucker. Sure, the stirrings of your hotness were there when you played Cedric Diggory back at Hogwarts (R.I.P. friend), but I don’t think any of us really appreciated the true beauty that is you until you stepped into the Forks cafeteria in Twilight. What I like about Robert Pattinson’s appearance for this role (besides the obvious ‘please-take-me-now’ facet) is that he actually looks like a vampire. Unlike other high school vampire shows (I’m thinking of you, Vampire Diaries ), there is something simply too pretty about Edward Cullen. I mean, there is just no way somebody who looks like him is human. He has to be something more. Perhaps it’s the golden, color-changing eyes, or the perfectly placed hair, or maybe the very pale skin and impossibly red lips, but it only takes one look to know that this guy is not a guy at all. He can’t be. To conclude, I guess it’s not at all surprising that Bella falls in love with him in about 2.5 seconds (give or take). I mean, wouldn’t you?
Read the entire list here.
On a side note my favorite vampire of all time, and my personally little obsession for too many years lol, is James Marsters as Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I was so happy that he took the top spot on the list. He never gets enough props and he is bloody amazing!! Sorry Edward fans, don’t send me any hate mail it’s just that Spike has been my vampire for years, way before Edward hit the scene. If you have ever seen Buffy or Angel I know you understand!!

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