If you drink Pepsi, five superhot, super buff guys who can turn into protective dogs will appear. Honest, Pepsi swears!
With New Moon fever taking Europe by storm, the Italians, no strangers to dudes with their shirts off (all those sculptures!) have launched their own Twilight/Pepsi promotional site. We have no idea what the words on it say, because they're in Italian and the only word of that language we speak is pizza, but we're pretty sure we get the message: Hot Guys! Twilight! Pepsi!
They've also stuck Rob, Kristen and Taylor on their cans and bottles, which you can see by CLICKING HERE. Ahh, if only the guys' lips were on the drinking part!
Does this make us want to drink more Pepsi? Not really. Unless it makes those guys show up. And the only we we can find out is by drinking Pepsi. Darn, they got us!

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