Noel Clarke, who was the recipient of the Orange Rising Star Award in 2009, recently blogged about Kristen Stewart and his experience with her. He was the person who presented Kristen with her BAFTA Award as the previous Orange Rising Star Award Winner always presents it to the present year winner.
In his blog he has some very kind things to say about Kristen and addresses the nasty comments made by various critics on Kristen’s win -
People want Tahar to win, they love A Prophet (I do too, it’s a great movie). People want Carey to win (She is brilliant in An Education, if you like the film or not). People want Jesse to win (He carries Zombieland and is great in everything he does) People want Nick to win, he has a huge following, is british, possibly the best young actor full stop and is gonna go far. And of course people want Kristen to win… But the only difference with her was this… As many people who wanted her to win, there were equally vocal people who absolutely didn’t want her to win. The other nominees didn’t have that animosity against them.Way to go Noel! Thank you for being brave enough to speak out about this. Kristen needs supporters like you in her corner.
I said nothing. I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed (and as most people know Nick Hoult is like a little brother I wouldn’t minded if he won. P.S that is not why he was nominated. he is that good) So why does it all bother me? Two reasons.
Firstly: I know how that feels. Last year although loads of people wanted me to win, because my films don’t seem worthy to a lot of vocal people, there were a lot who were saying. “I don’t care who wins as long as it’s not him”.
Even after winning I still have to deal with comments like this.
“Nonetheless, she was very charming when interviewed backstage and told that previous winner Noel Clarke was ‘passing the baton on’ to her. Presumably, this baton represents starring in quite small British films that no-one outside of this soggy island has ever heard of for a relatively small fee, so I guess she has a lot to look forward to”.
From http://www.indiemoviesonline.com/news/2010-bafta-awards-ceremony-220210
That’s just one of the perks of the job! Please do thank these people for me like I know you guys can. ; )
Anyway… Secondly: It’s not fair on her. Life isn’t fair, but her dislike is unfounded. The girl is actually a brilliant actress and people are only hating on her because every piece of great acting work that she has done has been eclipsed by the juggernaut that is twilight… Lets be honest, that’s what it’s really about isn’t it? People not liking her because she stars in those films that do so well and they are not considered worthy by the snobs. Personally, I don’t mind em. They ain’t the godfather, (Neither was AVATAR) but they’re entertaining.
You can read the rest of what he has to say in regards to Kristen’s win here!
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