'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' - Summit Ent.
Of course, Twilight series Sweethearts, chocolates, and greeting cards are one way to tie-in the occasion . . .
Another way, perhaps, is to imagine what a Valentine's Day greeting from your favorite Eclipse characters might be like.
So, as a bit of fun, here are a few ideas of what some of our favorite Twilight series characters' Valentine's Day greetings might've been if the holiday had become a part of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
- “Spaceheater here, offering you a lifetime of servitude.” Jacob
- “I’ll fight for you forever, ma’am.” Jasper
- “I got you a gift. Don’t worry, you’re going to love it! ” Alice
- “Don’t be ridiculous. Valentine’s Day is an important human rite of passage.” Edward
- “You can be my kidnapper today.” Bella
- “I’ll get you a teddy bear . . . Wait, would you prefer stuffed or grizzly?” Emmett
- “You can only have a Valentine if you choose wisely.” Rosalie
- “Have a kiss. Doctor’s orders.” Carlisle
- “Spending time with friends is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s, right?” Charlie
- “Do whatever makes you the happiest.” Esme
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