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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Access Hollywood: Betty White Responds to Robert Pattinson’s Profession of Love!

If you caught Robert Pattinson’s interview on The View today, you would have heard his funny answer to the question of whether or not he would date an older woman.
He told the ladies on The View that he thought Betty White was one of the sexiest women in America.
Betty White has given Access Hollywood her statement in regards to Rob’s love for her -
“I think Betty White is probably one of the sexiest women in America,” he said. “She’s vibrant; it’s sexy. I think the more age, the better.”
And on Tuesday night, Betty responded with an exclusive statement to Access Hollywood.
“Now THAT is a comedy line!” the 88-year-old actress said.
Betty White rocks! I totally don’t blame Rob ;)
Rob+ Betty = Rotty?
Betty White for SNL!!!!
[Source: AccessHollywood.com.

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