In our opinion, which is based on past experience and conjecture not insider info, Summit will tell us details about Breaking Dawn after the Eclipse major marketing wave is over. That’s not to say that Melissa Rosenberg isn’t working on script options, meaning making it one movie or two movies, that they aren’t figuring if they will use Portland or Vancouver, or when they’ll be shooting. It just means that like most companies, they like to focus their marketing and newscycle on one major product at a time. Pun intended, they don’t want the Eclipse movie to be eclipsed by Breaking Dawn news.
So where is all this going? Well, to prove that work does continue behind the scenes, here is some information vie Entertainemnt Weekly
“Sources tell EW that the studio has reached out to at least three top-notch directors, including Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), Gus Van Sant (Milk), and Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) to gauge their interest in what is likely to be two movies. (Van Sant’s reps confirmed that he’s been approached, but Coppola and Condon’s people didn’t return phone calls by press time. Summit declined to comment.)”
See more at EW.
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