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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quileute Nation opens 'Twilight' website, authentic merchandise store

The Quileute Nation has just announced the launch of their Twilight site, www.Twilight-Quileute.com as well as an authentic Quileute merchandising store located at www.Quileute-Store.com.
According to a recent press release, "The tribe partnered with a Native based organization to design and build the site," and the merchandise offered on the Quileute Nation's E-Commerce site is "hand crafted by Quileute artisans and features carved cedar wolf rattles & paddles; woven cedar baskets & hats; canned smoked Salmon from First Beach; 'Twilight' inspired handmade items like 'Jacob', 'Bella' and 'Edward' wool hats; wolf dream catchers and other delights."
Additionally, the store offers hand cut cedar paddle necklaces made by the tribal schoolchildren in their classes.
“Traveling across our great country and observing other Native tribes commercially marketing their wares in a successful and respectful manner, motivated us to explore the concept of promoting culturally appropriate 'authentic Quileute' items online,” states Chairwoman Counsell-Geyer. ‘ Though we began this exploration prior to the “Twilight” phenomenon, I am delighted for the artisans in the village who have a global audience interested in owning a part of authentic Quileute culture, and thrilled we can share our art with fans and collectors who are unable to visit La Push personally.”
“I think it is great that the Quileute now have this venue to communicate with the world their perspective on things and I know people will be very surprised by some of the information to be shared in the future!”, states Spokesperson, Jackie Jacobs.
“The Quileute welcome you to visit the new site”, states Jacobs. ‘Drop by and take advantage of the wonderful Quileute offerings, but you will want to visit often as the “authentic’ items are “one of a kind” and will be replaced with new treasures.”

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