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Friday, April 23, 2010

MTV: Shot by Shot Analysis of the Eclipse Trailer

MTV breaks down all the finer points you may not have noticed.
“Shot 21: Wolves and Vampires going at it, real end-of-the-world stuff, dogs and cats, living together (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ZOKDmorj0).
Shot 21: Title card: ” … The World is Waiting For.”
Shot 22: We see Edward handing Bella a jewelry box and smiling. Clearly, he’s decided to take BeyoncĂ©’s advice.
Shot 23: Jacob in his workshop, pounding his fist against a bench. Something tells me it’s not because he screwed up the frame on his soapbox car.
Shot 24: The new Victoria, Bryce Dallas Howard, sprints through the woods while bouncing from tree to tree.
Shot 25: Gratuitous no-shirt-Taylor shot! Hey, Slade is showing impressive restraint: It took him 1:14 into the trailer.
Shot 26: Victoria squares off against Edward and Bella in the snow. Looks pretty.
Shot 27: Edward topples the tree, knocking Victoria over a canyon. ”
See the rest on MTV

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