Ever wonder what’s really behind those mysterious eyes of Robert Pattinson? Pattinson, who plays hunky vampire Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga has half of the world expressing their undying love for him and the Hollywood craziness follows Rob wherever he goes. The awesome Chris Weitz who directed The Twilight Saga: New Moon, expressed himself in this self-written Time Magazine article, where he gives us an in-depth look into the real RPatz.
I have to be careful about what I write here because it will be tweeted the moment TIME hits the stands. And if I say something bad about Rob Pattinson, I’m dead meat. That’s the devotion the Twilight films inspire. It’s certainly not how he planned it. And though I am continually impressed by the aplomb with which he handles the hysteria, I occasionally think he would take it all back if given the chance. Because essentially, Rob, 23, is a reserved, bookish sort of specimen, a guy who’d rather spend the night at the corner table in the pub with friends — a bit of a weirdo, frankly, in the best sense.(Source: Time
So how to write about someone who seems to answer Freud’s rhetorical question, What do women want? Perhaps it’s just worth pointing out that it’d be fun to have a beer with him even if he weren’t Edward Cullen. That we haven’t seen a tenth of what he can do onscreen. And that important things, beyond the veil of Hollywood, occupy his time too — music, conversation, ideas, a sense of the absurd. Which, maybe, explains why he never gets to my e-mails. I love you, Rob! Call me!
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