Billy Burke - AP Photo
A couple of days ago, we learned that Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse star Billy Burke ("Charlie Swan" in the series) plans to release some of his music this summer and that he intends to reward his fans' dedication with a free copy of the first single from his album.
As Burke promised on his Twitter page, he announced the launch of his first official website today, allowing his fans to sign up for an exclusive, free song download to come in the near future.
On the website, BillyBurke.net (now listed on the list of official cast, etc. websites), Burke tells a bit about his inspiration, Tom Waits.
As I merged from the onramp onto I-5 South on that typically drizzly afternoon, the voice coming through the Cadillac’s single speaker was one that had long since altered my musical perception and therefore took the place of honor as co-pilot on my journey. The title on the dilapidated cassette tape was “Small Change” by the guru of involuntary solitude and ironic disenchantment– Tom Waits. While the rest of the world was being falsely introduced to what would become known as “grunge”, I would choose to stick with the guy that in my opinion, wrote the book on the elements that movement came from. It’s music like his and other troubadour poets like him that would greatly influence what I did as a musician, if I could ever find the time, dedication and fortitude to actually BE one.
Burke recounted how he pulled into L.A. with the intention of being both a musician and an actor, but as time went on the acting portion took precedent (as far as the public is concerned, at least) though he never stopped writing music.So here, on the precipice of two decades into what was always intended to be a “duel career”, I am about to share with you what was supposed to be the FIRST half, but has now become the second…
With the exception of a couple of very special guest musicians whom I’m beyond elated to have coming in, initial tracking for my first LP is now complete. We’ve got some mixing and mastering yet to do but we’re almost there.
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