Thanks to the best saga of all time, Twilight, a 150 year old classic novel, Wuthering Heights, has been resurrected. We all know throughout the saga, Bella Swan has either carried the book or had it with her in the house, constantly reading it (much to Edward’s dismay). Recently, Twilight fans from all over have decided to give this classic book a try. Now, sales are through the roof!
When Stephanie Meyer featured the literary classic, Wuthering Heights in her Twilightsaga, she breathed new life into Emily Bronte’s love story. Now, thanks to a new Twilight-esque cover re-vamp, sales of the book are booming.
According to Britain’s Telegraph, Twi-hards in Britain have been flocking to their nearest bookstore in droves to buy the classic novel after Meyer made it the main character Bella’s favorite book in the series. The lovestruck teen (played by Kristen Stewartin the hit films) is often seen quoting from the novel, comparing her love for vampire, Edward (played by Brit hottie Robert Pattinson) to Cathy’s passion for Heathcliff.
It was a no-brainer when publisher Harper Collins announced last fall they were going to reissue the novel, with a gothic style cover similar to Meyer’s own books. Featuring the tag line “Bella and Edward’s Favorite Book”, the marketing ploy caused a controversy in literary circles at the time but it certainly seems to have worked — sales of the book have since quadrupled.
According to Nielsen Bookscan, the reissue saw sales peak at 34,023 in Britain over the last year compared to 8,551 when the book was published with the original cover back in 2005. Wuthering Heightsis now currently one of the best selling novels in UK supermarket Tesco as well as more traditional bookstores through out the country.
I personally have never read this book, but lately I’ve been thinking about going to my local library and seeing if they have it. Have you read “Wuthering Heights?” If so, what are your thoughts? Is it better than “Romeo and Juliet”? With Heathcliff and Edward seeming to have similar persona’s, is it a good comparison to ‘Twilight’?
[Source: Twilightish via Tonic]
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