Moviefone has an article talking with Real life Edward Cullens.
Here what they have to say here.
Here is an excerpt:
Edward Cullen, Beverly, Mass. (In school in Deerfield, Mass.)
Human Age: 16
Has being named Edward Cullen turned you on to ‘Twilight’?
No. I read the first book just because my girlfriend got it for me for Christmas.
Are you happy to share the heartthrob’s namesake, or wish he would go away?
I could really care less.
What is the biggest downside to sharing the character’s name?
Random Facebook friend requests. You would be surprised if I told you how many I have had. The first couple I accepted, but then it just started getting out of hand. A minority [of those sending requests] speak English. So, sketchy messages (kind of like yours, but I couldn’t read it).
Fictional Edward Cullen’s best asset?
He sparkles. People are really disappointed when I don’t.
Real-life Edward Cullen’s best asset?
My personality. [It's] like Rocco in ‘The Boondock Saints,’ but not stupid, not Italian and I couldn’t grow out a full beard.
Has the on-screen Edward Cullen’s look had any influence on yours?
Be honest: Since ‘Twilight’ came out, have you had more luck with the ladies?
Well, there’s never a lack of a conversation starter … or pick-up line.
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