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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' release date set

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
'Breaking Dawn' by Stephenie Meyer - Hachette Books
A couple of days ago, some Twilight fans caught onto the fact that IMDb.com was listing fall 2011 as the release date for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn in some countries, and now the L.A. Times has confirmed that the movie will indeed be released in the U.S. on November 18, 2011.
"The surprising news here is that the movie, which will likely shoot in the fall, won't be accelerated to come out next summer," the source reports.
While no official confirmation as to whether Breaking Dawn would be one film or two has yet to surface, the L.A. Times does have an opinion on the matter.
It's hard to know what's motivating the 17-month lag. Talent schedules would seem to be a factor, but almost as likely, especially given the fifth-movie talk, is that the fourth and fifth films would need to be shot back-to-back -- which, depending on how it's shot and edited, could  require more time.
So, for Breaking Dawn, we'll have a fall release again.

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