Robert Pattinson attended The Twilight Saga Eclipse press conference in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 12th. Here is Hit Fix’s live blog of Robert Pattinson at the press conference.
"11:53 a.m. Enter Robert Pattinson. This is easily the best coifed I’ve ever seen him at one of these events.[Source: Hit Fix, Vampire Club.
11:54 a.m. “I had to learn how to run properly,” Rob says of new skills garnered for this movie. “I spent a lot of time on a giant treadmill, like one of those wheels mice run around in.”
11:54 a.m. “I guess probably fear of failure and inadequacy complex,” Rob says in response to the “What drives you?” question. And regarding what he actually drives, he says “rental cars.”
11:55 a.m. “When he finds one thing to hold onto, that’s where the possessiveness comes from,” Rob says, explaining why Edward holds onto Bella so closely, noting that the character is becoming more integrated into the real world. He adds, ”Hopefully by the end of ‘Breaking Dawn,’ he’ll be like a normal 17-year-old guy, except very pale.”
11:56 a.m. Rob says he doesn’t complete with other guys for another guy’s girl. “I would never be in Jacob’s position,” he says.
11:57 a.m. “It was good, because I never do anything with anyone else besides Kristen,” Rob says of getting to work with Taylor and explore the character’s “petty emotions” and the bigger scale of emotion. He describes Taylor as “really good.” He appreciates just having the other guy’s presence in his scenes, which allows the character to recognize that it’s more than just Edward-Bella.
11:58 a.m. Kids, Robert Pattinson believes we all have souls.
11:59 a.m. He doesn’t like being part of triangles, but he says “Yeah, probably” when asked if he’d ever gotten in a fight about a woman. “I don’t know it it was about love,” he adds. “It was more about pride.”
12:00 p.m. Rob says that on “Twilight,” there was a lot of behind-the-scenes head-butting to find the themes and feeling of the movie. Chris Weitz came in determined to follow through and be consistent to the first movie. And then David Slade came in and was determined to do everything different.
12:01 p.m. What was David Slade’s biggest change? “I guess he was really fighting to make it not so… what’s the word… solemn, I guess?” Rob says Slade wanted to speed things up, both within the scenes and for the characters.
12:02 p.m. “I’ve always been just playing around,” Rob says, regarding whether he’s had time to make music since the movies began. He says he just saw “Twilight” on TV for the first time a few days ago and he found it bizarre when his song came on. “It really shows how none of us thought it would be so massive,” Rob says, regarding how he got a song on the soundtrack at all.
12:03 p.m. More on the “I’m hotter line.” He says, “There’s nothing you can say, it’s like, ‘Well yeah. You are,’” Rob jokes. He’s appreciative of Taylor’s many funny/catchphrase-type lines. He jokes about Taylor’s time in the gray “wolf” suit Taylor has to wear.
12:05 p.m. Does Rob read his own fan sites? Does he have favorites? “It’s kind of incredible the information they get so quickly. Some of them I check them just to see what my schedule is. I go to them on weekends when I can’t get through to my agency,” he cracks.
12:06 p.m. He respects that “Twilight” is a fanbase that’s about community and that that community had built up online.
12:06 p.m. Does he worry that Edward will always domination his career. “I don’t know. I hope not. I don’t know. Maybe it will be a good thing.”
12:07 p.m. Rob jokes that his mind and Kirsten’s work differently when it comes to preparation. He tries to be more cerebral and she tries to feel things. “I don’t feel confident unless I know more about the reason why I’m doing things,” Rob says, though he says he does that in-depth approach more for this role than any others.
12:08 p.m. Future projects talk… His character in “Bel Ami” is talentless, but he has a sense of entitlement. Apparently he seduces many people and screws over high society. “He’s a completely amore, evil character. It’s a story about how the s***s can actually win sometimes.”
12:10 p.m. I’ll save you the plot description of “Water For Elephants.” You can read the book. I should read the book. I hear it’s a good book.
12:11 p.m. What was it like for Rob to fight a girl? “One of the producers said to me, ‘You looked so enthusiastic in that fight scene,’” Rob says, calling Bryce Dallas Howard “the gentlest person.” He adds, “Most of the really vicious stuff I did with a stunt double.” He tells us that most of what he did with Bryce was “rolling around and grabbing on to each other.”
12:13 p.m. Now Rob gets the Rob/Kristen question. “Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. People like the stories. My basic conclusion is that they want everything to be about ‘Twilight,’ I guess…” He pauses for a while after promising the truth. Then? No answer. I’m shocked.
12:14 p.m. Why should people go see this movie? “Why not?” He thinks for a bit. “It’s grown so big that it’s become part of the cultural environment, unless I’m just imagining it,” he thinks. He pauses, “I guess if you don’t know what the story’s about by now, you’ve probably never been to the cinema, so why not just go to the cinema for once?” On a more serious level, he praises the movie for its accessibility. He admits that after rewatching “Twilight” the other day, he realizes that that movie might have been a little bit less accessible.
12:15 p.m. Rob hasn’t read “Breaking Dawn” yet. “I’ve just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story,” he says.
12:16 p.m. He says the contact lenses are what lets him get into the spirit of Edward. The contacts are uncomfortable and he says, “That’s what creates the pouting, brooding character.”
12:17 p.m. “I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last one,” Rob says. He has a very different haircut now and he figures Edward may have just gotten a haircut.
12:18 p.m. “I found out about ‘Breaking Dawn’ being two films when the press release came out,” Rob says. Is he kidding, or is Kristen just more in-the-loop? He’s met once with Bill Condon, but not in detail. He loves “Gods and Monsters.” He doesn’t know where they’re shooting or anything.
12:19 p.m. Was it hard for Rob and Taylor to keep straight faces during The Tent scene? That scene was, apparently, reshot. The first time, he apparently got claustrophobic and antsy and Kirsten sensed his agitation and tried to crack him up to loosen him up. “We got like literally one take where we got it right,” Rob recalls.
12:21 p.m. That’s it for Rob. Up next? A whole lot of Cullens…"
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