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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Robert Pattinson In Premiere Magazine (France)!

Robert Pattinson is the featured cover story in France’s Premiere magazine! 
[Source: ThinkingofRob.  Thanks Mathieu, Diana & Cherie!]

Thinking of Rob translated the interview in Premiere magazine!!   Check out part of it!
P: The last time we spoke you were film­ing New Moon. Now one year later we meet again for The Twi­light Saga Eclipse. I have trou­ble fol­low­ing it’s going so fast…
RP: Only two months went by between the film­ing of New Moon and Eclipse, dur­ing which I filmed Remem­ber Me. Every­thing, went by so fast that I feel like I never really left Twi­light. That being said, I still felt lost when I arrived on the set of Eclipse. I didn’t have any prepa­ra­tion time and it took me a few weeks to adapt.
P: What did you expect from David Slade and was he dif­fer­ent on set from what you imagined?
RP: I had absolutely no idea what to expect from a Direc­tor who was spe­cial­ized in movies more for adults, who doesn’t back away from very explicit bru­tal­ity. I sin­cerely won­dered how this uni­verse would merge with the Twi­light uni­verse, which isn’t known for its unbear­able vio­lence. David had very spe­cific ideas of what he wanted to do, with a work method and approach that was totally dif­fer­ent from Cather­ine Hard­wicke or Chris Weitz.
P: For example?
RP: Eclipse intro­duces many new char­ac­ters; the atmos­phere is less con­fined than the oth­ers. Twi­light was based on the romance between Edward & Bella, New Moon on the rela­tion­ship between Bella & Jacob with Edward in the back­ground. Eclipse allows each char­ac­ter to have his “moment”, the spec­trum is larger. The film also has more rhythm; it’s less based on intimacy.
Read the rest at ToR!

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