FearNet has an article titled, Ten Truths Uncovered at the ‘Twilight: Eclipse’ Junket.
Check it all out here.
Here is an excerpt:
6. Rob got a kick out of watching Taylor wolf it up in gray spandex.
For a tender scene in which Bella cozies up to Jacob in wolf form, Taylor Lautner took one for the team and wore a gray spandex body suit to give Stewart a real person to act against. And while she and director David Slade appreciated Lautner’s gesture, Pattinson enjoyed teasing Lautner from the sidelines.
“There are a couple scenes, sort of confrontational scenes, [where] I sort of push him around a little bit,” Pattinson began, “and I was supposed to grab his shoulder. It wasn’t even in the script, I thought I’d really scare him and grab him and it would freak him out and turn the whole scene upside down! Then I grabbed his shoulder and it was too big to actually get a grip on. I just dropped my hand, so that was kind of embarrassing. I got him badly though; he kept having to dress up in a little grey spandex wolf suit all the time and try and be intimidating in that with Kristen patting him on the head and stuff. That was quite fun!”
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