LA Times has a new article exploring who they feel will play the better
Snow White: Kristen Stewart or Lily Collins -
Likability. Snow White has to be relatable if not downright sweet, Mia Wasikowska’s Alice if not Anne Hathaway’s princess. Stewart doesn’t do smiling well. Collins, on the other hand, is a beaming presence who practically gushed to HitFix when she got the role. Advantage: Collins
Resume. Even at 21, Stewart has a lot of acting experience, not just in three “Twilight” movies but dramas such as “The Runaways” and “Welcome to the Rileys.” Collins’ most prominent role is as the daughter you nearly forgot amid Sandra Bullock’s Oscar-winning performance in “The Blind Side.” Advantage: Stewart
Tonsoriality. it’s all about the hair. Stewart’s can be lustrous, as in the photo above, but it can also be gothy, stringy, unprincessy. Plus she’s always tugging at it. Not very Snow White. Collins’ is long, flowing, Rapunzel-like. Advantage: Collins
Pedigree. Stewart’s father was a stage manager, giving him some everyman respectability. Collins’ father was the man who gave the world “Su-su-sudio.” Advantage: Heavily Stewart
You can
read the rest of the article (along with their reasoning) here!
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