These are a couple photos of Ashley Greene in a Photo Shoot for Revue de Modes.
Gorgeous as always!!!
Check out a couple more here.
These are a couple photos of Ashley Greene in a Photo Shoot for Revue de Modes.
Gorgeous as always!!!
Check out a couple more here.
These are some more pics from a photo shoot Nikki Reed did with Smallz & Raskind.
Check out some more amazing pics of her here.
This pic is from a photo shoot Anna Kendrick did with New York Daily News.
Check out some more gorgeous pics of her here!!!!
I didn't make any of these! These are just for people's enjoyments!
I poured glitter on my boyfriend so he'd be just like Edward
Fictional characters dazzle me. Frequently.
Lamb chops are delicious
I stabbed Edward Cullen with a fork. And lived to tell the tale.
I stay up at night, waiting for Edward to show up
Ballet sudios give me chills.
I developed a wierd habit for biting people.
I'm willing to bet against Alice.
Shiny Silver Volvos make me squeal like a fangirl.
When I have kids, I will name them after the Cullens.
I jumped in front of a moving van just to see if Edward will save me.
I'm intoxicated by the mere presence of a friggin' book.
I pray for rain so Edward can come out and play.
I'm buying a Cullen car. Just to see if it comes with a free vampire.
I threw away all of my Harry Potter books to make room for my Twilight Books.
I went to the doctor the other day... and asked him how Edward was doing.
I went to the doctor the other day... and called him Carlisle.
Popsicles are mow my favorite treat. Cold, hard, and sweet.
I saw a grizzly bear and screamed "Emmett!"
If anyone asks, I'm from Forks.
Whenever I hear the name Edward, I go... "What?!? Where?!?"
Edward heard me thinking of him... and he blushed like a schoolgirl.
I have a picked up line... " Are you a vampire? Coz you dazzle me"
I'm addicted to something called heroin (pretend heroin was crossed out) twilight.
Here's New Moon Confessions. like I said before, I didn't make any of these, I just posted them for people's enjoyments.
I can hear Edward in my head too!
If Edward dies, I headed off to Volterra.
Alice stole my Porsche.
Jane has my favorite vampire power.
I have Edward's soul. *Evil Laugh*
Bella's Epiphany = Stating the obvious.
Edward didn't go to South America. He was visiting me.
I named all of my dogs after Jacob and his friends.
I skipped all of the chapters without Edward in them.
I second Emmett's vote.
I cut myself in front of Jasper for fun.
If Bella won't marry Edward, I will.
Once again, I didn't make own any of these, I just post these for people's enjoyments.
I never really understood Bella's Switzerland comment.
I already knew of Victoria's plan before anyone did.
I wouldn't have punched Jacob in the face.
Cuddling with a pushy, obnoxious, moronic dog seems like a good idea.
I would, gladly, be affected by the territorial disputes between mystical creatures.
Yes Jacob, your being half naked bothers me.
Seducing a vampire seems like a natural reaction to me.
Alice and Edward are free to kidnap me whenever they like.
When I get married, it would be August 13th.
Alice can plan my wedding.
I ship Alice/Jasper more than Edward/Bella.
I adopted a stray the other day... I thought he was Jacob Black.
I didn't make these, these are just for people's enjoyments. ^_^
Breaking Dawn Confessions
No Charlie, Bella's not pregnant with Edward's baby, I am.
I'm in Edward's happy (pretend the word happy is crossed out) naughty place.
Forget Jacob, I want Seth to be my puppy.
I told my parents I was going to marry Edward, my fictional vampire boyfriend.
Jacob's not missing, I keep him locked up in my basement.
Read the first chapter? Yeah... I died and went to Heaven but I came back because Edward wasn't there.
I tried to change my date of Birth to August 13th.
Even Jasper couldn't calm me down after I read the first chapter.
I'm going to South America to find Isle Esme.
I can't accept Jasper as "Jazz"
I told Harry Potter that Severus Albus had been dethroned by Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
I went to the park and stared in every guys face trying to imprint on them
I was the hiker that Bella smelled when she was hunting. AND I'M PROUD OF IT!
# 14
Bella told me that Renesmee hadn't been potty trained until she was 5.
I discovered the rubble of Rosalie's and Emmett's first house.
Mike Newton donated blood to Red Cross. Little that he know, Bella drank it while she was pregnant.
I've heard of all Jacob's blonde jokes.
When Bella found out about Jacob's imprinting. I was screaming the same words as Bella at my book.
Below are 5 New Moon secrets from Chris Weitz that was exclusive to the Twilight Tracker iPhone & iPod Touch App.
IMDB has announced their top stars of 2009.
For their STARmeter Top 25 for 2009, Twilight stars made the list in the following spots:
1. Robert Pattinson
2. Kristen Stewart
5. Taylor Lautner
8. Dakota Fanning
11. Ashley Greene
15. Nikki Reed
For their STARmeter Top 20, 25 and Under, Twilight stars made the list in the following spots:
1. Robert Pattinson
2. Kristen Stewart
4. Taylor Lautner
5. Dakota Fanning
6. Ashley Greene
7. Nikki Reed
11. Jackson Rathbone
13. Kellan Lutz
Read the entire list here.