found this at goodreads.com. It’s a list of scenes from the Eclipse book that they think should definitely be in the movie.
Below is what they listed.
Do you agree?
Did they miss anything?
What scene are you most looking forward to seeing in the movie. I’m sure most of the regulars readers here know I am dying to see the tent scene. It is my favorite scene in the entire series!!!!
1. Charlie passing notes between Bella and Jacob. – To me this just shows how bad things got between Jacob and Bella. And just how bad its hurting Jacob (Arggg, I cant believe I just said that because I am so not a Jacob fan. Team Edward all the way!!)
2. All of the newspaper articles about Seattle. – If we didn’t have this then a lot of people who didn’t read the book would be very lost.
3. The trip to see Renee. – I think this is a must because, otherwise Renee would never see how Bella and Edward act together.
4. The English note conversation.- Ok I’ll admit it, this isn’t a major thing but I just love the scene so much. I had to throw it in here, plus it’s a good follow up on the trip.
5. Save the Olympic Wolf/ Jacob scene – This Scene shows how much Bella misses Jacob and the fact that you have to work fast when there’s a psychic vampire involved.
6. Angela and Bella – Its nice to see Bella hang out with other people, other than the Cullens.
7. Alice kidnapping Bella – The amazing Porsche finally comes into play. Bella and Alice get to spend more time together. Also Rosalie becomes a little bit like-able.
8. Jacobs school rescue. – it’s a nice little touch.
9. (MIA) Room – When they really start to realize that someone is after Bella
10. Knife incident – Edward gets to be light-hearted and funny.
11. Bon fire – Bella first gets the idea of the third wife
12. Jasper’s Story – Who doesn’t love hearing about Jasper’s past, plus it helps Bella understand being a newborn vampire a little bit more
13. The kiss – Jacob trying to make Bella realize that she loves him to, so he kisses her. Really how can this not be in it. And a bonus Emmett gets to have his very famous funny line.
14. The bet – I know that this one is small, but I like it
15. Graduation/party – A lot happens Bella figures out some major information and everyone finally gets to see the Cullens’ house. Jacob also makes Bella a bracelet (which I own)
16. Training – MAJOR
17. Comprise – MAJOR, MAJOR. Hello this is like the biggest must have ever. I say every little detail should be in the movie.
18. The tent – Bella realizes she loves both Jacob and Edward
19. The fight – need I say more
20. Poor Jacob – Jacob’s whole right side of his body is broken. Bella gets to spend time with him alone. it’s a very cute scene
21. Planning – Alice finds out she gets to plan a wedding.
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