Myriam, the MSN Superfan, is guest writing for Moviefone. She has a piece up about attending a the Official Twilight Convention in Seattle.
“Twi Tour hit Seattle last month, and I eagerly went to experience my first real fan convention. I arrived on Friday afternoon, just as The Hillywood Show finished presenting their ‘New Moon’ parody. I checked out the vendors room, then enjoyed watching the exclusive taped interviews with the ‘New Moon’ cast, projected on two large screens on either side of the stage. The actors answered questions sent in by fans; the interviews are lighthearted and fun, and there is much laughter from an appreciative audience. Taylor Lautner’s acting idol? Christian Slater. Jamie Campbell Bower’s biggest fear? Spiders.
Now it was time to sit back and watch the Yes/No Trivia Competition: three rounds of ‘Twilight’ trivia questions, with the last person remaining awarded a $250 gift certificate, a professional makeover, and a lucky spot at the Volturi Court during Saturday night’s party. Believe it or not, a man won — quite a feat, considering that 95 percent of the convention’s attendees were female. He gave the makeover to his wife (still not sure if she was happy or mad about that…)…”
Now we can’t say that we’ve ever seen a Klingon at an official Twilight Convention stop, but apparently one showed up at TwiCon last year. So we suppose if a Klingon, a Wookie, or a Browncoat wanted to show up in costume they could. If would make for a very surreal conversation, “So, are the folks on Rigel 7 mostly Team Edward or Team Jacob?” Anyway check out the rest of Myriam’s account over at Moviefone.
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