If you know the answer to our trivia question write the answer in the comments and we will pick out a random winner from the correct answers. A big TY to Creation for letting us bring these items to you!
During the Creation Entertainment San Francisco Official Twilight Tour Alex Meraz outted Chaske Spencer as being a fan of what pop diva?
Check out the Lexicon Twitter for the answer. Put the answer in the comments below and we will pick a random winner from the correct guesses at 11:59 PM est Wednesday, February 17th.
Remember, we will ship anywhere! We have had winners in North America, Europe, and Oceania. If you are on a sub in the Antarctic we will figure out something!
EDITED: In addition to the autographed photo we also have a tee from the One Less Nemesis company to give to the winner. The winner can chose a One Less Werewolf or One Less Vampire shirt in your preferred size and style from One Less Nemesis. Take a look at the shirts here: http://www.onelessnemesis.com/onelessnemsisshirts.html
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