Check out this new photoset and interview from Instyle with the wolfpack from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Inlcuded in on the action are tribe members Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Julia Jones and Tinsel Korey.
Chaske Spencer had this to say about his role playing the pack leader:
Brooklyn-based Spencer admitted that he auditioned for “pretty much all of the [Quileute] roles” before finally being cast as pack leader Sam. “I looked in the book, and saw how big a part it was, and was like, ‘I’ll take it,’” he said. Korey’s character, Emily, is Sam’s fiancée: A Makah Indian, she’s actually not able to transition into a wolf. “She’s sort of the caretaker,” Korey noted, before adding that she doesn’t feel she missed out as a result of playing the only non-magical member of the pack. “I don’t feel any different from them. The wolf scenes are all CGI anyway!”More pics after the break.

Check out the full article, interviews and photoshoot at Instyle.
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