Imagine going through most of your life with a seemingly inconsequential name. The next thing you know “Edward Cullen” is on everyone’s lips. Well Moviefone examines just what life has become for real life Edward Cullens of all ages.
“As ‘Twilight’ fans have long known, Edward Cullen is the sexy (if not a little pasty) hero of the mega-movie franchise based on Stephenie Meyer’s book series. Pale, strong, devoted and ready to save the moody Bella at any given second, Edward is a god — or rather, a vampire — among men who’s awesomeness is matched only by ‘Twilight’’s resident werewolf, Jacob.
Since ‘Twilight’ made its debut in 2008, the movie’s stars have themselves achieved cult status. Taylor Lautner scored a Rolling Stone cover and Kristen Stewart’s pouty pics have become all the more frequent in celebrity rags. But it’s fluffy-haired Robert Pattinson who leads the pack as the vampire heartthrob, garnering increasing numbers of lovelorn fans as he practically inhabits the ageless Edward, complete with inner torture, unwavering commitment, a cool, rock-star demeanor and alluring deep thoughts; Pattinson’s portrayal is now synonymous with the fictional Edward Cullen.
It may come as a shock for some fans, but not every Edward Cullen can kill with his teeth, fly without a plane ticket or create such a fabulous coif. There’s a whole pack of real-life guys who share the character’s name — and manage their parallel reputations. As the saga’s third installment, ‘Eclipse,’ nears release (the film is set to arrive June 30), Moviefone looked to a handful of real Edward Cullens (via e-mail) to see what it’s like to be a mere mortal with a world-famous vampire’s name.”
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