This is from Billy Burke’s Official Website:
With the release of both my debut album and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse falling within nearly a week of one another, I’ve been (needless to say) spread a little thin these days. With so much stuff going on, I feel like I haven’t been as accessible to you the subscribers as I’d like to be. One of the things that’s been so rewarding about the way we’ve decided to release this album is that with all the amazing comments, emails, tweets, and other interactive elements we’ve been employing, it’s created an atmosphere that’s a lot more intimate than these things normally are… and I like it.
In that spirit, I wanna take some time to talk about the things YOU ALL might wanna talk about. Instead of listening to some silly lame ass ask me if I’m team Edward or team Jacob, I think it might be fun to open the floor to some questions from the people that really matter.
Here’s how it’s gonna work:
You have a question? Post it in the comment field below. We’ll select 20 of them (or more depending on time constraints), I’ll video record the answers and whatever else the questions might evoke, then we’ll shoot you a link via email that hooks you up to where you can find the results.
Keep in mind:
The general theme here is music and the album but go ahead and ask me anything you want. I’ll try to answer as wide a variety as I can. My guess is that the more insightful or thought provoking your question is, the better chance it has of getting answered. (But not necessarily– I might answer some dumb ones too.)
Sometime within the next 48 hours or so the window for submissions will be locked up so get your questions in as soon as possible. I’ll get the answers taped and back to you as soon as I possibly can.
So without further B.S. — Ask away in the comment field below and keep your eye on your inbox for my reply.
much love & have fun -bb
Go to his Official Site to leave the question.
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