Stephenie Meyer - AP Photo
Twilight Series Theories has posted a portion including the new Bree Tanner information . . . one part of which a lot of you have expressed interest in: does "Freaky Fred" ever meet the Cullens?
"If I were to go ahead with it, he would definitely come up again. After his character sort of warmed he would fit into a rightly place. I don’t see Edward actively seeking him out. Having the knowledge he had gotten from Bree he realizes that Fred probably wouldn’t appreciate that pretty much, but I do see them crossing paths," she explained.
She went on to discuss Fred's backstory and the logisitics of his special power, and you can read all about that here at Twilight Series Theories!
Twifans asked a really interesting question about Eclipse and the "Angry Edward" sequence outside of Bella's house.
Many Twilight fans were on the fence about the scene. Some found Robert Pattinson's performance to be great, while others thought that the progression of that moment strayed too far from the cool, collected Edward Cullen they'd grown to know with the book.
Stephenie Meyer, it seems, sided with the latter during shooting.
"That’s the one I walked out on, on the dailies because in my head that scene was so much different. In the movie Edward is quite separate motivation-ally from the book Edward. At this point in the film in the story for me he’s gotten past this. Like he’s realized 'I can’t act like a teenage boy anymore. I have to give her space. I have to be the mature one here.' And in that scene in the book, he has, icy calm control. He is very gentle. He is very soft spoken. He is very mature . . . They had already filmed that day, so we couldn’t redo it but, people have responded really well to it," she explained.
Read and listen to the rest here at Twifans!
Finally, Letters to Twilight has three bits of audio where Stephenie Meyer talks about whether she's a fan of other vampire series like True Blood and how perfectly she finds Riley to have been cast in Xavier Samuel. She also reveals a quite interesting story about Xavier Samuel's first experience with the paparazzi.
Listen and read up on their reactions here at LTT.
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